Recruiting for Nonprofit Board Members

When things go wrong, the board is often the one to receive the most criticism. A board that is not functioning properly can result in mismanagement, and even financial disaster. It is vital that your Board of Directors has the knowledge and skills to manage your company.

When recruiting for Nonprofit Board members, you’ll want to select people who are committed to the cause they represent and are committed to serving the requirements of your organization. They must be able to know their roles and responsibilities in order to participate in all of your company’s decisions, like setting policies, determining the compensation for the executive Director, and raising money.

A functioning Board is an essential bridge between your non-profit and the community. Your board’s role is in determining how to best serve the community through your organization. The staff members and the executive director are then able to implement the vision the board has decided on in the day-today operations.

In the past, a lot of nonprofits looked for wealthy and well-connected individuals to fill their boards. While these connections can be beneficial, it is now more common to hire people with an interest in and commitment to your cause. It’s also beneficial to find diverse candidates for different positions, so that your board has a range of opinions and perspectives. A study conducted by Korngold revealed that 78% people who serve on boards for non-profit organizations report that they are more inclined to listen when other perspectives are offered.

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